Our Companies - Docutech Limited - Production Solutions
The solution you need to make your joutney a success
Running any operation requires focus on key objectives.Delighting your customers. Producing more jobs. Reducing costs. Growing your business. Achieving one or more of these objectives is critical to your success.
No matter what your goals are, Xerox is here to help you succeed. Maybe you're just starting out with digital printing, or maybe you're taking your business to the next level.
Either way, we're a partner committed to helping you with every aspect of your business.
Our commitment begins long before the product is installed and continues throughout the life of the solution. It's a journey. We have the resources to help our customers reach their destination, every step of the way—from Xerox ® Confident Color technology and award-winning workflow solutions to results-generating business development resourcesand proven production consulting services.
XEROX also developed the PSG system to allow you high production volumes with advanced data and production management (storage, data securing and personalized billing and statements).
The Xerox PSG system is currently used by Telecommunication Companies like MTN or the Moroccan Telecommunication Company, by Ducati Motorcycles, Audi Motors Germany, by the French SG-SSB Bank, the Barclays Bank of UK, the Electoral Commission of Congo, the Algerian Ministry of Defense, etc.
With XEROX, you can produce either for indoor or outdoor purposes with endless printing possibilities: flexi, synthetics, coated (gloss, matte, dull, silk), uncoated, textured, or any other type of media.

Tel: + 233 289 671 846
email: customercare@docutechgh.com
ABC Junction, Achimota
Matraco Homes Building
4th Floor
P.O. Box 190, Trade Fair Center
Accra, Ghana